Dangerous Teachings In Church

Part 3: The Influence of Christian Science
During the modern era, a group of thinkers rejected the ideas of ancient philosophers and embraced the Mechanical Philosophy, which denied the existence of a personal God. This shift towards rationalism influenced the development of humanism and various belief systems.

The Birth of Christian Science

Marry Baker Eddy (1821-1910)
Christian Science
Church of Christ

Known Quotes 

“Health is not a condition of matter, but of Mind.”

“We classify disease as error, which nothing but Truth or Mind can heal.”

“There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind, and its infinite manifestation, for God is All in All. Spirit is immortal Truth; Matter is mortal error”

Book: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures

Combines Quimby’s philosophy to create affirmations through biblical verses out of context.

Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science, was significantly influenced by the ideas and teachings of Phineas Parkhurst Quimby. As a metaphysical teacher and healer, Quimby had developed a unique system of healing, which he referred to as “mental healing.” Eddy first became a patient of Quimby in the 1860s, when she was struggling with a severe illness. She was inspired by Quimby’s approach to healing and began studying with him, which ultimately led to her developing her own understanding of the relationship between the mind and body.

Quimby’s teachings had a profound impact on Eddy’s worldview, and she quickly embraced his belief that disease was caused by false beliefs and that it could be cured through the power of the mind. Additionally, Eddy shared Quimby’s view that the physical world was an illusion, and that the only true reality was spiritual in nature. However, as Eddy’s studies continued, she developed her own unique interpretation of these ideas, which ultimately formed the foundation of Christian Science.

She believed that physical ailments were actually the result of negative thought patterns and emotions

For Eddy, the root cause of sickness and disease was a lack of understanding of God and the divine nature of reality. She believed that physical ailments were actually the result of negative thought patterns and emotions, and that true healing could only occur by addressing the spiritual origins of these issues. Eddy saw herself as a spiritual healer and continued to refine her teachings and practices throughout her life.

In summary, Phineas Parkhurst Quimby’s teachings and ideas played a significant role in shaping Mary Baker Eddy’s worldview and her eventual development of Christian Science. While Eddy was inspired by Quimby’s belief in the power of the mind and the illusory nature of the physical world, she developed her own distinct interpretation of these ideas, which emphasized the importance of spiritual understanding and healing.


Influenced by

Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, Luminary Student(s)

Her Influence

Unity Church, Divine Science, Science of Mind, Emergence International LGBT, Word of Faith

Warren Felt Evans, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Emma Curtis Hopkins, Augusta Stetson, Laura E. Sargent, Charles Brodie Patterson, Julius, Anetta, and Horatio Dresser, Paul Wavro, Frank T. Hord, William D. Kilpatrick, Thomas O. Poyser, Charles W. Ferris, Richard L. Glendon, Paul Stark Seeley, Sylvia Poling, John D. Picket, Jessica Picket, and many more.

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